Sweet and Spicy Monkey has moved to: www.sweetandspicymonkey.com

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Let's Work Together

I enjoy collaborating with a variety of companies and brands, with my main purpose being to help you meet the needs of your marketing goals.

I'm available for promotional opportunities, advertising, sponsorship, Brand Ambassador, and article writing. I am also available for developing recipes as I love creating in the kitchen.

Keep in mind, we would have to share a similar philosophy for food and opinions are always 100% my own.

My recipes and food photography have been featured on The Daily Meal, msn.com - Food & Drink recipes, BlogHer, and Community Table - Parade. Plus, I've written an article for The Online Grill.
If you are interested in working with me, please contact me. I'd love to hear any ideas you have.

I respect your privacy, please respect mine by not sending me any unwanted ads or SPAM.

Thank you and I look forward to working with you,
