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Friday, February 13, 2015

Sweet Dark Cherry Jam

They say, "Life is like a bowl of cherries", but in my kitchen this week, "Life is like a jar of cherry jam".

Don't be acting surprised, I told warned y'all that I had been craving cherries and I'm just getting warmed up over here.

This cherry jam is everything you expect it to be, a taste of sweet, dark summer cherries. Who said you have to wait until summer to have cherries? Certainly not me! As I'm sharing with you today this recipe to make your own Sweet Dark Cherry Jam... in the middle of winter. Sweet. Dark. Cherry. Jam. On your table. Today.

And since its winter and cherries aren't in season, I made this with frozen cherries, the next best thing to fresh. Plus, they've already been pitted...yaaaay!

Just think of all the things you can put this cherry jam on - biscuits, French toast, pancakes, waffles, PB & jelly sandwiches, your morning English muffin, toast, or bagel....and that's just a few!

Bring this Sweet Dark Cherry jam to your table today and see how many smiles it brings.

Sweet Dark Cherry Jam

Makes about 3 - 8 ounce jars


1 cup Sweet Dark cherries, frozen

1 cup water

1 cup granulated sugar

Juice of 2 limes


In a medium saucepan with a heavy bottom, add frozen cherries, water, sugar, and lime juice. Over medium to low heat, cook while stirring occasionally, until mixture starts to boil.

Once boiling, turn heat down to low and continue cooking over a low simmer, uncovered and stirring occasionally until mixture starts to thicken, about 1 to 2 hours, give or take, depending on how thick you want your jam. Keep in mind, jam will thicken as it cools.

After cooking, spoon into sterilized jars, wiping off the rims after filling, and place on lids. As the jam cools, the lids will pop and seal.

Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

All content and images are property of Sweet and Spicy Monkey. Please do not reprint this content without my permission. If you wish to include this recipe on your site, please re-write in your own words and use your own photographs and link back to this post for original recipe.
Follow Julie's board Sweet and Spicy Monkey on Pinterest.

Shared with: Savoring Saturdays #49