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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Orange Sugar

As promised, here is the recipe for the orange sugar that I used in my Orange Sabayon. It's so simple to make that it shouldn't even count as a post this week. However, I'm really busy this week so it works out great for me. And you since you need this for the Orange Sabayon recipe!

My idea for orange sugar came about after seeing so many tips for what to do with vanilla beans after using the seeds in recipes. They say to put the bean in sugar so you can have vanilla sugar after about one month. I got to thinking that if you can do that, then why not add orange zest to sugar to enhance orange flavored recipes? {light bulb above my head moment}.

Of course, others have thought of the very same idea already but this recipe is my own. I've seen where they add orange essential oil and vanilla to make their orange sugar. But I wanted something simple and down to earth, just sugar and orange zest. No fancy essential oils or vanilla in my orange sugar.

It really does have a wonderful orange smell and flavor. Add a little honey, coconut oil, or olive oil and you can use it as a sugar scrub in the shower. That's how simple and versatile it is. Just back to the basics here.

You can also use this orange sugar for many recipes besides my Orange Sabayon. Just think of how delicious it will make your bread, cookies, or even coffee and tea (hot or iced) taste infused with this sweet orange sugar.

And it's easy to make too. You only need two ingredients and a food processor. Although if you don't have a food processor, a blender will work too. You can also try this with lemons and limes. I haven't tried those yet, so if you make a lemon or lime sugar, let me know as I always love to hear your ideas, recipes, and how things turn out for you.

I know, its crazy right since I love lemons that I didn't try lemon sugar before this orange sugar! Just plain crazy!

By the way, I finally found that commercial I was looking for on YouTube. If you want to check it out, here's the link to it - silly gender reveal commercial. And my co-worker agrees with me that the goofy guy resembles another of our co- workers.

Orange Sugar

Recipe by Julie Murphy
An aromatic orange flavored sugar to use in baking and cooking, to help enhance orange flavors. Can even be used as an orange sugar scrub in the shower.
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 0
Total time: 5 minutes
Yield: 1 cup orange sugar
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • Zest from 1 orange
  1. Wash orange and remove the outer layer of the orange. Being careful not to include the white pith as that adds a bitter taste.
  2. In a food processor or blender, add sugar and orange zest. Pulse for 10-15 seconds x 3 to 4 times to help break down orange zest and blend with sugar.
  3. Place in an airtight container and store in your refrigerator for up to 1 month.

*Helpful Hints*

- Save a few of the larger zest and place in the finished orange sugar.

All content and images are property of Sweet and Spicy Monkey. Please do not reprint this content without my permission. If you wish to include this recipe on your site, please re-write in your own words and use your own photographs and link back to this post for original recipe.
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