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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I've been nominated for a Liebster Award!

I’ve been nominated for a Liebster Award! I know what y’all are saying, “what’s a Liebster Award”? Only because I thought the same thing after being informed!

Basically, a Liebster Award is given to small bloggers (usually with less than 1,000 followers) by other small bloggers. It’s kind of like paying it forward. It’s where small bloggers give each other recognition (by way of nomination or Thanks) in hopes of gaining more followers by nominating other small bloggers and getting mentioned on their blogs.

And I was lucky enough to be picked through my Facebook community I belong to, #Women’s Lives. Where women from all backgrounds come together to blog and/or share social media about women.

I want to say a big THANK YOU to the blogger who picked me, Stephanie Dube Dwilson. Stephanie has a blog called "A Blog by Dube", where she shares her thoughts about a little of everything from food recipes to fashion and TV shows.

Stephanie is a wife, publicist, science journalist, author, and attorney. How she finds time to blog in between all that, I don’t know. Not to mention, keeping up on social media about women’s lives. I barely have time to keep my Facebook up to date! I believe she’s truly a modern day Superwoman!  Stop by and visit her blog here. And again, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Stephanie!

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award (passed on from Stephanie’s post) ~


You’ve been nominated. Now what…

1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you with a thank you & a link to their blog.

2. Display The Liebster Award badge on your blog.

3. Answer 10 questions about yourself, which will be provided by the person who nominated you.

4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself. (optional)

5. Nominate 5+ bloggers (with fewer than 1,000 followers) who you feel deserve the award.

6. Create a new list of 11 questions for your nominated bloggers to answer.

7. Make sure you notify your nominees!

Here are my questions from Stephanie with my answers:

1.Why do you blog?

I started blogging to share recipes with family and friends. I would always share my recipes on Facebook and I decided to expand to a food blog.

2.Where do you see your blog in a year?

Hopefully on my own site, a .com site instead of blogspot.

3.What is your biggest challenge to blogging?

My biggest challenge to blogging are the photos. I have fluorescent lighting in my home, which I love, but it doesn't make for good lighting on photos.

4.What are three unique facts about yourself?

Hmmm, three unique facts about me?
  1. I don't eat pork or beef.
  2. I drink my coffee black
  3. I just recently started oil-pulling. Its only been one week, so really I cannot comment on it just yet.
5.What is your favorite way to recover from a bad day?

Either making something in the kitchen, yoga, or sometimes just a long, hot shower.

6.What’s your favorite food?

Ooh, that's a tough one since I love anything sweet and I love Mexican and Italian food. Plus lemon treats and anything coconut. Did you just want one favorite??? I am currently crushing on my Ice Cream Cupcakes....Oh, so yummy!

7.What are your top 3 favorite TV shows?

  1. The Black List (at least the first season (Netflix hasn't released anymore yet!)
  2. The Young & the Restless, I've been watching this since junior high!
  3. Oprah Winfrey's Super Soul Sunday

8.What is your dream job?

 Aside from blogging, my dream job would have to be to work with National Geographic. I love nature and they travel to many different places and see the most amazing things. I think it would be a job I would enjoy!

9.How do you spend your free time?

Blogging, baking, cooking, yoga.

10. What do you do to overcome writer’s block?

If I'm feeling uninspired, I usually put it down and go do something else. When I get back to it, I usually am inspired.

11. Who is a hero in your life?

Growing up, Amelia Earhart was and still is, my hero. She went where no other woman had gone before and I love her independence. She was so much more than just an aviator. She gave me the inspiration to become an independent woman.

Now here are my questions for my nominations:

1. Why do you blog?

2. Where do you see your blog in one year from now?

3. What's your favorite food to make?

4. Where is your dream vacation?

5. Are you a dog or a cat person?

6. Do you like sweet or salty snacks?

7. What's your favorite movie?

8. Who inspires you?

9. A glass of wine or a margarita?

10. Are you where you wanted to be now at (your age)?

My nominations are:

1.) Natalie at Obsessive Cooking Disorder – a food blog that also shows off her artwork, doodles. Too cute!

2.) Ramon at Row House Blog – a home and event décor, creative blog for all you who like to decorate and craft.

3.) Aaron at The Hungry Hutch – a food blog of delicious easy meals, with this week’s favorite of mine, a photo tutorial of How to Make Fried Chicken (gasp!).

4.) Renee at How to be Awesome on $20 Dollars a Day – a blog to help you do just what it says, survive on $20 dollars a day.

5.) Monte at Chewing the Fat – a New Yorker’s take on all things food.

6.) Linda at 2 Cookin’ Mamas – quick and healthy recipes for busy mom’s.

7.) Liz at Pumpkin and Peanut Butter – simple, healthy, and delicious recipes for a balanced lifestyle.

8.) Barbara at Rawfully Tempting - Raw, vegan, and vegetarian recipes with classes and workshops available so you can learn how to nourish your body with plant based foods.

A variety of blogs that I hope you will all enjoy! Please stop by and show them some love because it’s all about paying it forward this week! Have a great day!

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