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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Your Favorite Recipes of 2014

As 2014 comes to a close, what better way to spend some of these last days, than looking back at some of your favorite recipes here at Sweet and Spicy Monkey. I say “Your” favorite because if it was up to me, they would all be listed. I might be just a little bias {smile}.

Beginning with January, here are some of your favorite recipes from 2014…

Sweet and Spicy Monkey Bread. What better way to remember January 2014 than with a sweet treat that just so happens to have my blog name it, “Sweet and Spicy Monkey” Bread!

February had your chocolate cravings satisfied, at least for a little while, with my version of The Ultimate Chocolate Lover’s Breakfast. I can’t say I blame ya, after all, who can resist all this chocolatey yumminess of chocolate pancakes with chocolate syrup drizzled all over.

March was a month of indecision as there was a tie between two of March’s recipes. It seems y’all couldn’t decide between something sweet, with Orange Creamsicle Cookies

or something crunchy like my Homemade Tortilla Chips. So they both win for March!

April’s winner, hands down, was my recipe for Gluten Free Lemon Crepes with Lemon Cream Cheese Filling. What a delicious way to welcome Spring!

And you let me know that y’all love your lemon treats by making my Lemon Coconut Refrigerator Cake your favorite for May.

Ah, June ~ summertime chilling with sun, sandy beaches, and palm trees. And what better way to enjoy those long summer days than eating my Homemade Coconut Ice Cream. Not only is this ice cream gluten free, but it’s also dairy free and no churn needed.

Your tropical taste buds were just getting warmed up (or should I say cooled down) in June with my Homemade Coconut ice cream because I woke all of your island taste buds up this summer with my Coconut Pound Cake.

A triple threat dose of coconut to whisk you away to your tropical island paradise. My most popular recipe by far since starting Sweet and Spicy Monkey. It also got Thor's stamp of approval!

August had you craving chocolate once again (it has been awhile, since February to be exact) with my recipe for Gluten Free Chocolate Chai Latte pound Cake.

September showed me you needed something to munch on while watching all those football games. What better way to enjoy the games than with my Tangy Peach Mustard Wings that simmer in the crockpot while you watch the game and into the oven they go to get all crispy before the next game starts.

You were still craving munchies for the games in October when y’all reached for my Sweet & Salty Snack Mix made with Annie’s Homegrown cheddar bunnies. The games are so much better when you’re munching on cheddar bunnies!

I could tell y’all were looking for something to help keep you warm with a taste of the season with my Crockpot Pumpkin Turkey Chili. What better way to warm up on a cool Fall night than with a big bowl of chili!

December’s favorite is my Peppermint Meringue Cookies. Puffy clouds of white fluff with a kiss of peppermint, sprinkled with silver and gold, perfect for all your Holiday parties. What a delicious way to end the year 2014!

I want to take this time to say thank you to all who stop by my little corner of this World Wide Web to read, comment, pin, tweet, or just hang out and see what I've been up to. Because without all of you, there would be no me. So Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

And if you enjoy what you see here, please leave me a comment as I love to hear from y'all, even if it's just to say Hello.

Wishing y'all the best eats in the upcoming New Year of 2015!

All content and images are property of Sweet and Spicy Monkey. Please do not reprint this content without my permission. If you wish to include this recipe on your site, please re-write in your own words and use your own photographs and link back to this post for original recipe.
Follow Julie's board Sweet and Spicy Monkey on Pinterest.

Shared with: MunchingMondays #71, Wine'd Down Wednesday 67, The Wednesday Roundup #56, Crafty and Delicious Party, Freedom Fridays with All My Bloggy Friends #61, Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party #128, City of Links #52, Sweet and Savoury Sundays #94, Tasty Tuesday Recipe Link Up, Skip the Housework Link Party #50, Inspire Us Thursday Link Party #80, Snickerdoodle Sunday #63